At this moment, only a PHP library is available. If you need access using Java, .Net, Ruby, feel free to create a package based on this PHP version. The API Server is HTTP-based, thus accessible from any programming language you like.

PHP Client Library?

To make life a little bit more easy for the developers, we have created a client library (PHP5) for comparing and requesting information.

Download the client library via Github


require_once '../aanbieders.php';

$key = '02647bad02dff63d7bbb61fe10e09441'; // fake public key
$secret ='d8235039ca21a7dddd36c4e4221dfddf'; // fake secret key

try {
    // instantiate the Aanbieders class and provide the necessary parameters
    $test = new Aanbieders($key, $secret);

} catch (Exception $e) {
  // Oeps , something went wrong
  echo $e->getMessage();

Output type

Do you want to work with array's, objects or just plain JSON. Use the method setOutputType so change your output.

Available outputtypes:

When choosing an invalid output type, this error will occur:
Invalid outputtype

Example (Compare)

// define the parameters
$params = array('sg' => 'consumer', 'lang' => 'nl','cat' => 'internet');

// do the compare
$compare_result = $test->compare($params);

If your using Laravel, you can use our Laravel package Download the Laravel library via Github

See the file in the repository for usage instructions. The package basically acts as a wrapper for the API Client.